Opto Engineering® - 20 years
主页 EXE Training 培训清单
Choosing the Perfect Camera

One of the most important components of a machine vision system is the camera. Choosing the right camera is not always easy; it is a key decision that can seriously improve your system's quality and simplify the software processing.

Picking the perfect camera involves considering a bunch of factors like sensors, resolution, and camera interfaces: it is like solving a puzzle. In our webinar, we are going to break down these factors, explaining what they mean and how they shape the final image you get.

At Opto Engineering, we have been dealing with machine vision challenges for over 20 years. We are here to share our knowledge about picking the right camera. We want to guide you through the process so that you can always choose the camera that is just right for what you are doing.

Think of this webinar as a helpful map, showing you the ins and outs of camera selection. It is not just about theory; it is about practical wisdom we have gained from years of figuring out machine vision applications. Let us be your guides. Join us in this webinar, and you will not only understand how to pick the right camera but also feel confident doing it.

Do not miss this chance to boost your know-how. Sign up now and get ready to level up your game in machine vision!

  • Introduction to cameras.
  • How to calculate the needed resolution.
  • What is the Frame Rate and how to control it.
  • Select the proper camera interface.
  • Mono vs Color sensors.
  • Global vs Rolling shutters.
  • Practical Example.

Free of charge

After the webinar, each participant will receive the training material consisting of the .pdf presentation and a private link to the video recording on Vimeo.

Watch the full webinar!