Opto Engineering® - 20 years
主页 新闻 2014
Documentation & communication

Documentation & communication

Happy new year!
Opto Engineering is ready to hit 2014 running, with a company-wide change in how we describe and talk about our products.
As some of you already noticed, in the recent past our main website and printed documentation were completely overhauled, resulting in an all-new approach to our whole communication.

How we managed to do this? Very simple: first, we completely rebuilt from the ground up our knowledge framework and content management system…

Some news about 2014
Some news about 2014

(Elisa Guernieri, Marketing manager, with a giant blue cherry on her desk.)

For a technology company such as Opto Engineering, a clear and comprehensive communication plays a crucial role leading our customers to the right product for their needs and acting as the first line of technical support, with useful guidelines for product setup and deployment. It must be multi-language, too, because we like to be close to our customers, worldwide.

This year’s trade shows will be the real benchmark for all these efforts; we can’t wait to hear your feedback!

Reading time
1 min
一月 13, 2014