Opto Engineering® - 20 years
主页 新闻 2015
Dome and low angle strobed illuminators

Dome and low angle strobed illuminators

LT illuminators family brings an innovative array of lighting solutions, with dedicated strobe controllers and configuration software.

LTDM are high power LED strobed dome illuminators that provide non-directional diffused light.
Fast-moving objects are effectively illuminated by their powerful light output, with no heat generation thanks to strobe mode operation. Diffusive dome illumination is the perfect choice to achieve uniform illumination: complex shapes with curved and shiny surfaces become evenly illuminated, canceling glares and shadows.

LTLA are high power LED strobed low-angle ring light illuminators, ideal for darkfield lightning. LTLA are used to enhance surface detail and texture, such as surface irregularities and scratches, but also features like matrices or barcodes.

LTDMLA series combines the two illumination solutions in one single compact and easy to integrate unit: a dome for uniform lighting and a low angle ring illuminator for darkfield lighting.

Our new LTDM, LTLA and LTDMLA illuminators feature:

  • Easy power, control and synchronization for any combination of LT illuminators using LTDV controllers and LTSW configuration software.
  • Ultra high-power light output and strobe mode operation.
  • Rugged industrial design with built-in industrial connectors.
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1 min
一月 08, 2015