Opto Engineering® - 20 years
主页 新闻 2022
TCLIB Suite – unmatched measurement repeatability on your telecentric setup

TCLIB Suite – unmatched measurement repeatability on your telecentric setup

"We present TCLIB SUITE, a user-friendly software library which will help you to make the most out of your system"

  • A dedicated live tool providing information on lens-light alignment and how to obtain the best lighting performance;
  • A dedicated live recursive algorithm to align optical axis and to get a precise perpendicular object plan;
  • A dedicated live tool to make sure the system is at its best focus;
  • An innovative, fast and accurate library to remove residual distortion from your system.

"Only our TCLIB Suite has the algorithms to correct the not polynomial distortion"

TCLIB Suite offers tools to help you solve the following issues:

"We tested and checked the result of using TCLIB Suite to optimize different sets of possible telecentric systems, reaching the micron repeatability even on large fields of view"


Field of view164x120 mm
Lens-light alignment as background homogeneity4%
Object plane alignment as best (lowest) angle between planes0.012°
Best focus as best (lowest) uncertainty on WD+/- 0.5 mm

Distortion calibration as result of 20 repeated measurements:

5.000 mm5.001 mm4.998 mm5.005 mm1.7 μm


Field of view62x46 mm
Lens-light alignment as background homogeneity3%
Object plane alignment as best (lowest) angle between planes0.001°
Best focus as best (lowest) uncertainty on WD+/- 0.5 mm

Distortion calibration as result of 20 repeated measurements:

5.000 mm5.0000 mm4.9994 mm5.0007 mm0.3 μm

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We can’t wait to help you reaching your vision goals.


Reading time
1 min
六月 09, 2022